Hi guys!
This here's the Blog* for Fishriver, a 30-something gay guy living in London, England.
I wanted to have a space where I could put up thoughts, insights, musings, rants etc without the mallarcky (that's a London slang for hassle for all you international visitors who thought 'what the hell?", when they saw that) of updating a web page.
I also wanted a space where I could share my experiences in the hope that others would contribute to the conversation and build a forum for chatting about what's it's like being gay in the twenty second century, what it was like growing up realising you were kinda different from other people and how you went about (or are going about) coming to terms with who you are and who others are too.
Oh, by the way, if you got here from another way other than my website, you can go take a look here
I'd really like people to add comments and stuff here too. Or maybe respond to the things I'm writing about. If you do want to say something, email me here and I'll add you as a contributor. You can then post to your hearts content (It's the the only way right now, sorry, but you'll get a reply email telling you how to log in)
* if you don't know what a Blog is by the way, take a look here
"Let the games commence!"
Thursday, May 23, 2002
OK, this is soooo cool!
It's really easy to use and it allows you to make your own music video - complete with dancing cow which you can make do what you want him to.
Nick Field posted this at 11:40 AM.
The Paradox of Our Time
An interesting viewpoint on life today - kinda agree with a lot of the sentiment:
The Paradox of Our Time In History - The Complete Version!
Nick Field posted this at 11:23 AM.